Affordable WordPress
Support and Maintenance

We keep your WordPress website up to date,
backed up and secure

We’ll take Care of your website.

After we have successfully launched your website, it is important for your website to be constantly updated. You’ll need to update the WordPress Core itself and the plugins installed on your website regularly. Maintaining your website constantly helps make it more secure and perform optimally.

Equally important is having your site backed up every time there is a change to its content, as well as monitoring your site for security breaches and uptime.

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Expert WordPress

Get in touch via our easy to use the support system, with any WordPress or general website queries/questions you may have, and we’d be happy to help. Looking for plugin suggestions, need some site changes, don’t know how to do something, just ask!
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Weekly Managed
When new versions of WordPress core or any of your plugins come out, updates will be handled for you, every week, ensuring you’re running the latest version! Our process ensures your website updates are taken care of safely and efficiently, every time. If we detect that you have plugins installed that have an emergency security patch available for you, we’ll update this for you sooner.
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Speed & Performance

We will perform WordPress Speed Optimisations on your website to make your site blazing fast, and make sure nothing is slowing it down. This includes implementing GZIP Compression, Minification / Concatenation, Browser Caching, Database Optimization, Image Compression, and more. Your website speed will also be frequently monitored and optimised on a weekly basis.

Maintenance Plans & Pricing

Subscribe Now! Avail Your Discounts.

3 Months: 10% Off | 6 Months: 15%Off | 1 Year: 20% Off


Per Month


Great for small business sites that require a fully managed, fast, and optimized website.

  • Maintenance Only (No Hosting)
  • Edit content and image changes on your site
  • Update WordPress, theme, and plugins once a week
  • Website backups to your server locations once a week
  • Maintain professional security measures
  • Site Migration
  • Daily Security & Malware Scans
  • Spam cleaning once a week
  • 2 Hours of website technical support, customization and changes
  • Once a month detailed reports on what’s been done to keep your website updated and secure
  • Weekly Managed Updates
  • SEO Keyword Rankings
  • Speed / Performance Optimizations
  • Check that all of your forms are running properly
  • Check your pages to see if there are any broken links
  • Search for 404 errors and fix or redirect
  • Cancel anytime / No long-term contracts
  • 100% money-back guarantee


Per Month


Perfect for business sites with E-Commerce or other advanced functionalities that need extra care.

  • Maintenance Only (No Hosting)
  • Edit content and image changes on your site
  • Graphic Design Works
  • Support custom sites
  • Update WordPress, WooCommerce, theme, and plugins twice a week
  • Website backups to your server locations twice a week
  • Maintain professional security measures
  • Site Migration
  • Daily Security & Malware Scans
  • Spam cleaning twice a week
  • 3 Hours of website technical support, customization and changes
  • Twice a month detailed reports on what’s been done to keep your website updated and secure
  • Weekly Managed Updates
  • SEO Keyword Rankings
  • Speed / Performance Optimizations
  • Check that all of your forms are running properly
  • Check your pages to see if there are any broken links
  • Search for 404 errors and fix or redirect
  • Cancel anytime / No long-term contracts
  • 100% money-back guarantee

The Setup Process

We handle the migration and setup of your site for you, from stand to finish.
Easily share the login details for your existing hosting via our custom encrypted “share access” tool.

We’ll go ahead and safely migrate your website over to our maintenance platform, without any downtime.

Congratulations, your website will be taken care of by our WordPress experts every day. Now you can relax!

What can we do for your

WordPress Site Today!

From updating pages, content & image changes to adding new content, posts, and more.

We can find the perfect plugin for you needs, install it and configure its settings.

Small tweaks and technical SEO fixes on your website. Google Search Console Configuration.

We keep your core and plugins updated and avoid the vulnerability of previous versions.

We can help you setup an SSL certificate on your website to migrate your website to HTTPS.

Don’t lose your site, we do full site backups and secure website migrations.

We setup new addon plugins or implement any required edits or improvements.

We make optimizations on your website to help improve speed and performance.

We can fix any WordPress bug and issue, get things back to normal as soon as possible.

We can fix your WordPress site if it’s not sending emails or if they are going into the spam folder.

Most Popular Frequently Asked Questions

What does WordPress Maintenance mean?

WordPress will need updates to the platform itself, the theme and plugins. As a client we backup your site each month and perform these updates. If something goes wrong or there is a problem with the update we fix it!

What are the benefits of a Website Maintenance?

The benefits of website maintenance are easy to comprehend. Your website is a constant portal between visitors and your company. The condition and relevancy of your website is a direct reflection of the condition and relevancy of your business. This is why website maintenance is so important. Downtime of a website not only gets penalized by Google and could affect your search engine rankings, but it will also make visitors question the legitimacy of the company. Out of date content is another negative thing Google and customers will notice. There is also the constant threat of having your website hacked, which can have a serious impact on your business if it is not dealt with right away. These are just a few of the things that can have a very detrimental impact on your business if your website is not constantly maintained. By neutralizing these threats you can begin to understand the intrinsic benefits of website maintenance.

What do “maintenance tasks” cover?
  1.  Maintenance tasks cover a variety of services, including content and image changes on any page / post / product / header / footer, plugin setup and installation, changing plugin settings, small theme design & css tweaks, small code changes & fixes, adding a new simple page (or copy of existing page template), formatting a page, general optimizations and more! Essentially, any small WordPress task that would fit within about 30 minutes per task is usually acceptable.
  2. Maintenance tasks do not cover graphics design work, advanced SEO work (except on the Professional plan), advanced theme design customizations, custom coding of new functionality (plugins, themes, etc), PSD to WordPress, or anything that leads to the design and/or development of a new website.
Do you support custom sites?

The “Professional” plan offers support for advanced custom websites, which includes working with custom code (themes/plugins) via the “maintenance tasks” for small changes and fixes.

Few examples of allowed maintenance tasks:
What are the usual task response & complain times?

Our response & completion times can vary depending on the time and day your support ticket is submitted.

During our business hours, our response time to tickets is usually within 1-2 business hours to alert you that we are looking into your request. Most small tasks will be completed within 8-12 business hours, but usually much faster (within 1-3 hours), especially if it is a priority/urgent task.

Although you can submit as many tasks as you wish, you will have a single developer that will work on them one at a time.

It may take a little longer (1-3 business days) for us to complete more complicated tasks/changes, or if you send us multiple requests at once. In most cases, we can complete anywhere between to 1-3 tasks per day, per website.

Our Professional Plan includes “priority support” and usually sees most single-request tickets completed within a few business hours, or the same day (if sent within our business hours), but maybe longer in some cases, depending on the size of the task.

These times are estimates and are based on a single task/request. Several tasks will be broken up as multiple tickets, and therefore may have a slightly increased completion time. We will let you know if a task may take longer than usual.

What are your business hours?

Our normal business hours are Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Pacific Time) for development and non-urgent support. This is when you can expect the fastest response times and live chat support to be available.

We are available for custom site maintenance, tasks, changes & development support during our business hours.

However, we may also be available outside our “normal” support hours (and weekends) for general support and queries submitted via our support system or email, although you could expect slightly slower response times in some cases. You may email us or send us a message via the support system at any time, and we’ll reply as soon as possible.

Customers on the Professional can expect priority support and faster response time.

What is the initial on-boarding process? What do I need?

When you have started and chosen a maintenance plan, during your checkout you need to fill out our simple form, where you can submit all the details we require in order to get our services setup for your website.

We will ask you for any required login information (username/password), via our custom secure encrypted “share access” form.

The process of setting up your plan and migrating your website may take around 1-2 business days and is included FREE as part of your plan.

Once your plan is set up, it may take around 1 – 2 additional business days for us to fully complete the first set of “site optimizations”, as this takes extra care to make sure it is done right and is often unique for every website.

If you have any further questions in regards to the setup process, please get in touch!

I have multiple websites. Can I still signup or order?

Absolutely! Each plan covers one individual website & domain, so you will need a plan for each site that would like us to manage.

However, you may add extra sites to a bulk plan, and receive some great discounts! Get 10% off for 2+ sites (Coupon Code: maintenance10). You are also more than welcome to mix and match and create different plans for different websites.

Multiple websites as subdomains still count as a separate website.

Can I cancel or upgrade my plan any time?

Absolutely! You may cancel your plan, or upgrade/downgrade at any time with no additional or hidden costs.

Do your plans include free malware removal

Yes, in the unlikely case malware is detected via our scans, or your site is hacked, it will be removed for you completely free. Our expert dedicated team will scan your site, and detect what is causing your security issues (such as plugins or themes) and fix this for you.

Sucuri scanning is also included with all sites we are hosting, and will be used in cases where potential malware is detected by our hosting security scans.

Do you manage WooCommerce websites?

Absolutely! The Professional plan fully support websites with WooCommerce.

If your website uses WooCommerce, we will also include a summary of your eCommerce site statistics and sales for the previous week, in your weekly site report.

Before you jump in, though, it’s important to ensure that you’re handling credit card data in a safe way. No matter where you host your website, credit card data should never be passing through your website, meaning credit card data (including card numbers, expiration dates, CVVs, etc.) should never touch your server, your database, your javascript, or other portions of your site’s code.

The best way to handle credit card data on a site is to use a third-party payment processor. Most eCommerce platforms support third-party processors by default, including WordPress platforms. By handling credit card data this way, you can avoid dealing with a complicated set of security policies called PCI-DSS.

There are plenty of third-party processors to choose from. A few of these processors include Authorize.NET, Stripe, and PayPal. RelyWP has also worked with nearly every WordPress eCommerce product. These eCommerce solutions tie into the third-party processors mentioned above for managing your products, shopping carts, and checkout process. Some of these eCommerce platforms include WooCommerce and MarketPress. However, WooCommerce is by far the most popular choice.

If you need help setting up an eCommerce website, or a third-party payment processor, get in touch.

What is the money-back guarantee?

If for any reason you wish to terminate your Plan, you can do so on written notice to us at [email protected] and we shall refund you any Fees paid and cancel your plan, provided that such notice is received within 14 days of the date of your first payment. Otherwise, if you cancel your plan after 14 days of signup, no refunds will be provided.

Additionally, refunds are not available if we do an emergency malware or hack removal for your website.

Who should sign up for this?

This package is definitely not for everyone. If you feel comfortable backing up and updating your website and have the time to do it each month you wouldn’t need this service. If you are a web client of ours we actually provide information for you on how to do this yourself.

However, many of our clients feel better knowing someone who understands WordPress is the one responsible for it each month. They appreciate the fact that we stay on top of plugin changes and are consistently making changes to their site for the better! And some of our other clients just don’t have the time to maintain it themselves.

If I have questions, is there someone I can talk to?

Yes, send a request Callback or chat with us online. Our customer support representative will get back to you soon.

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